Climate Change via Videos


It’s commonly said that a picture is worth a 1,000 words. So how much might climate-relevant videos be worth to efforts to understand and mitigate climate change? In an attempt to find out, the Climatographers have collected thousands of climate-relevant videos during years of searching YouTube, Vimeo, and other platforms.

This climate change micro-site has been extracted from the Climate Web, an open-access knowledgebase and the closest thing today to a collective climate intelligence. Based on the work of thousands of experts, the Climate Web is intended to facilitate access to the actionable climate knowledge needed by individuals, companies, and policy-makers for tackling the "wicked problem" of climate change.

Contact us here with your feedback and suggestions, and to discuss how micro-sites could advance your climate change objectives. If you value our work on the Climate Web and micro-sites like this one, sign up to stay informed, and consider supporting our Patreon Project.

The Climatographers